New movie ‘The Devil’s Stomping Ground’ based on North Carolina legend

The North Carolina Experience
1 min readFeb 2, 2023


Here is a link to the story:

The Devils Tramping Grounds is an actual place in Chatham County North Carolina. The tale of Satan walking in circles contemplating punishments for his lot in Hell has haunted locals and all North Carolinians for decades. It’s a foot-wide bare path forming a perfect circle 40 feet in diameter. Regional legend maintains that Satan frequents this area on his nightly walks, pacing the circle as he contemplates his evil deeds. Normal vegetation surrounds the circle, but only a wiry grass grows inside it, and no plant life of any kind can be found on the path itself. Locals have been unsuccessful in trying to transplant the wiry grass to other soils. Visitors have attempted to anchor sticks and other obstacles in the barren area, but morning always finds these obstacles cleared away.

Beware when you visit North Carolina. Satan just may drag you to Hell.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.



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